Vi åt inga maskar, haha, men ändå väldigt god middag, burritos och kyckling. Det var faktiskt lite gott med mexikanskt som omväxling. Jag äter i princip bara Nasi Goreng varenda dag här annars och det blir liiite tjatigt.
Dagen efter detta behövde vi lämna Lombok för att ha tillräckligt med tid på Bali-ön. Vi ville hinna med både dykning/snorkling, yoga & meditation samt prova på att surfa innan vi beger oss vidare till Australien (Alltså jag kan inte fatta att vi ska lämna Asien snart, vi har ju varit i Asien nu sedan slutet på Januari !?!)
A beach day indeed: We saw Mawun beach, Tanjung An beach and finally the sunset at Merese Hills. It was a cloudy day so we were very happy that we got such a nice sunset after all.
After sunset we were very hungry. We went "home" to leave some stuff and then to a futsal facility to meet Harris, our driver between Bangsal (where the boat arrives on the island of Lombok) to Kuta (where we lived in Lombok). He and Tim became best friends, haha. We talked about everything and nothing for one hour. He told us about some worms that they eat in Lombok in February. They can only be found before sunrise and during a few weeks in February. Google or search on Youtube if you want to know more. The festival is called Bau Nyale.
We didn't eat worms, haha, but still very good dinner, burritos and chicken. It felt good to eat Mexican food for a change. I kind of only eat Nasi Goreng, every single day here and you get tired after some days.
The day after we had to leave Lombok to have enough time on the Bali Island. We wanted to have time for diving / snorkeling, yoga & meditation as well as try to surf before we move on to Australia (I can't believe we will leave Asia soon, we have been in Asia now since the end of January !?!)