Efter Bantayan väntade Gypney (Filippinsk öppen lokalbuss) till Bantayan city, 4h lång färja till Estancia, tricycle till Bancal och ytterligare en färja till Islas de Gigantes. Ett ställe ingen av oss hade hört om förut och ingen turist vi träffat hade varit där. Båtresorna var dock ganska hemska för det gick stora vågor och jag blev lite sjösjuk. Men det var väl värt det för Islas de Gigantes var otroligt vackert. I nästa inlägg ska jag visa er vad vi gjorde där :)
Ha det fint tills dess!
Hello! Hope you're having a wonderful weekend and enjoy the spring sun! It is absolutely incredible how disconnected you get from your earlier "reality" when you are traveling. It feels like time stands still at gome somehow silent in my head, but I understand that this is not the case.
Anyway, last day in Bantayan... We waved our Filipino friends goodbye (so sad to say goodbye not knowing when we see again), extended our hotel stay and motorbike rent one extra day to go to Sta Fe Cliff Diving Spot. There is also a ruin that is apparently well-known from a Filipino movie, so a lot of Filipino tourists were taking pictures there. The water was amazingly clear! After the cliffs we took the moped to a beach nearby and even there the water was completely crystal clear. The drone came into use again, of course - we took some really nice photos!
In the middle of the beach we saw a small puppy that looked worned-out. We gave him/her some water and it perked up. One man came up and asked if we wanted a beer and invited us to taste his home-made Taho - a super sweet soybean dessert but we understood that they were eating it for breakfast? The family made a living on fishing and basically lived in a shed with hens and chickens running around their feet. We have really seen "the real" Philippines I believe.
After Bantayan followed a long journey by Gypney (Filipino open local bus) to Banytayan city, a 4h ferry to Estancia, tricycle to Bancal and another ferry to Islas de Gigantes. A place none of us had heard of before and no tourist we met had been there. However, the boat trips were quite awful because there were quite big waves and I got a little sea sick. But it was well worth it for Islas de Gigantes was incredibly beautiful. In the next post I'll show you what we did there :)
Have a good time until then!