Manu river.
På väg. Vi åkte på en 4D/3N tur till Manu-reservatet. Den är med på UNESCO:s World Heritage-lista och börjar vid Andernas sluttning.
On our way. We went on a 4D/3N trip to the Manu Reserve. It is stated in the UNESCO's World Heritage list and it begins at the slope of the Andes.
På vägen såg vi gamla Inca-gravar... On the way we saw old Inca tombs...
...och Pucartambo som är känd för Virgen del Carmen festivalen. Kolla på detta klipp på Youtube!
... and Pucartambo, which is known for the Virgen del Carmen festival. Watch this on Youtube!
Morgontur på floden. A morning trip on the river.
Vi såg Kapybaras. (En gigantisk typ av marsvin. Ser ni den på bilden?)
We saw Capybaras. (A giant sort of guinea pig. Can you spot it in the picture?)
Vi åkte flotte och såg massa fåglar. We went on a wooden raft in a lake and saw lots of birds.
Vandrade i djungeln. We walked in the jungle.
Såg några mer sällsynta fåglar: Cock-of-the-rock (röd med konstig hals) och Guatemalas nationalfågel Praktquetzal. Hittar ni dem?
Saw some really rare birds: Cock-of-the-rock (red with strange neck) and Guatemalan national bird Praktquetzal. Can you find them?
Vi såg många äckliga kryp. Bland annat denna svarta tusenfoting. We saw many creepy insects. Among other things, this black centipede.
Någon typ av insekt producerade detta skum. Some kind of insect produced this foam.
Tim testade att dricka från en bambu. Tim tried drinking from a bamboo.
Vi tog en hike på två timmar uppför ett berg för att se den fina utsikten. We took a two-hour hike up a mountain to see beautiful views.
På vägen såg vi grodor, den med blå och röd färg är väldigt giftig för andra djur än människan. Vi såg också en massa coola växter.
On the way down we saw some frogs, the one with the blue and red color can be toxic to some animals although not for humans. We also saw a lot of cool plants.
Vi badade i floden. We went for a swim in the river.
På en kvälls-hike i djungeln med ficklampor (verkligen obehagligt) där vi bland annat såg en jätteliten orm. Tydligen en väldigt ovanlig art så guiden var otroligt glad efter att han sett den.
We went for an evening hike in the jungle bringing flashlights (really scary) where we saw, among other things, the tiniest snake. Apparently a very unusual species so the guide was incredibly happy after seeing it.
Och, så klart, på vägen tillbaka upp i bergen såg vi mängder med presenningar där koka-bladen torkades.
And, of course, on the way back up the mountains we saw lots of places where the they dried coca leaves.
Ha det bäst så hörs vi snart igen!
Hi my dear blog. I've missed you. Since we got home from the trip it's been very busy. A lot of dinners with family and friends, parties and late nights, dogsitter and catsitter, visit from the US. No wonder people get burned out on their holidays when the norm is that you should plan and do so many things. Then when autumn comes, people can do nothing more than work or school (when you really need to have active rest). But now things are finally starting to calm down for us and it feels like we are just starting to digest everything we've been through. I miss the trip. I miss the heat (is the Swedish summer already over?). Miss the simple life. I'm thinking that we need to remember all the inspiration the trip has given us and try to bring it into daily life. Thought I'll write a post about the insights we gained from the trip, but first I wanted to show some pictures from our Amazon-adventure. See the pictures above.
Have a good one! Talk to you soon!